Endrerud is the CEO of D'Liver as from April 2014.
Endrerud has his degree in Entrepreneurship and Business from BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo. He has experience from several start-ups, and has worked primarily with seed capital and IT. Before joining D'Liver, he was the CEO of a seed capital company in Oslo and has worked in California in this respect. He is continuously strategically involved in some of these start-ups as either a board member or the chairman.

Smedsrød is the founder of D’Liver and started as CSO in June 2011.
Smedrød is full time professor in cell biology at the Institute of Medical Biology and head of Vascular Biology Research Group at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. His international academic career started in 1978 as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø (Norway). After this he was a Research Fellow at Ann Arbor, University of Michigan (USA, 1979 - 1981) and Associate Professor at University of Uppsala Biomedical Centre (Sweden, 1985 - 1988). In 1988 he startet as Senior Scientist and then, in 1990, Associate Professor at the Institute of Medical Biology at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. He was also part-time consultant at KabiVitrum, a medical company in Sweden, from 1984 through 1986.

Elvevold is co-founder of D’Liver and started as senior scientist in March 2012.
Elvevold finished his MSc in 1997 and became Research Fellow at the Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø (Norway). In 2000 he started his PhD, which he fullfilled in 2005. Thereafter he worked as a post-doc until 2008. From 2008-2012 Elvevold worked as a researcher at the Department of Clinical Pathology, University Hospital of North Norway in a commissioned research project financed by Biotec Pharmacon ASA.