Board of directors
Prof. Bård Smedsrød, Board member
Prof. Smedsrød is head of Vascular Biology Research Group at Department of Medical Biology, University of Tromsø. He is also scientific head of the Electron microscopy platform at Department of Medical Biology. He was head of Department of Medical Biology (about 200 employees) during 2005 – 2009, and took the organization through a reorganization that contributed greatly to turning serious deficit to a balanced economy. Prof. Smedsrød has spent his entire research career studying the blood clearance function of liver. He discovered the physiological clearance function of the LSEC in the early 80s and has since then significantly increased our understanding of the uptake mechanisms of liver cells.
Tage Skotvold, Board member
Skotvold holds a M.Sc. in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship from Tromsø University Business School (2011) and a MA. in Research (Music Technology) from London (2007). He has experience from starting up companies; webdesign, creating sites, domain brokering, social entrepreneurship and cosmeceutical research. Skotvold is one of the entrepreneurs of D’Liver.